Spread Work
Two techniques from the spread to get an advantage, plus four new and old tricks to apply these techniques

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Table of Contents for
Casual Card Magic
Casual Card Magic
In this course Ryan digs into a collection of sleight-of-hand card techniques suited for a casual, relaxed performance. Everything you need to level-up your card magic skills.
Getting Comfortable With Cards
Starting from a solid foundation, looking at fundamental card handling skills. Nothing tricky yet, but future skills build upon these basics.
Relaxed Card Control
A collection of techniques to gain, and keep control of a "lost" card with an emphasis on diffusing suspicion.
Efficient Card Controls
Learn three sleights that have only one job to do, and do them very well. Quickly gain control of a chosen card with no extra moves, cuts, or shuffles.
Spread Work
Two techniques from the spread to get an advantage, plus four new and old tricks to apply these techniques
False Shuffles And Cuts
A variety of ways to mix up a deck of cards, while accomplishing nothing.
Key And Locator Cards
Different approaches and applications for key cards and locator cards including the Quadruple Threat for the ultimate is casual control.
Use The Force
A variety of techniques to get the result you require, including a discussion of matching the method to the moment.
The Elmsley Count
An in-depth tutorial to get you doing a smooth count, plus two great tricks to put it into action.
Double Lifts
A fundamental move of card magic, which ought to look like nothing at all.
Palming Cards
Tackle your fear of this bold move with a pep talk, and a few great reasons to make it worth the trouble.
Top Change
This one is more about the misdirection than the move, and this lesson includes two routines to put it into context.
Card Folding
The Mercury Card Fold is responsible for many of the strongest, most impossible card act closer tricks.
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Casual Card Magic
In this course Ryan digs into a collection of sleight-of-hand card techniques suited for a casual, relaxed performance. Everything you need to level-up your card magic skills.
Getting Comfortable With Cards
Starting from a solid foundation, looking at fundamental card handling skills. Nothing tricky yet, but future skills build upon these basics.
Relaxed Card Control
A collection of techniques to gain, and keep control of a "lost" card with an emphasis on diffusing suspicion.
Efficient Card Controls
Learn three sleights that have only one job to do, and do them very well. Quickly gain control of a chosen card with no extra moves, cuts, or shuffles.
Spread Work
Two techniques from the spread to get an advantage, plus four new and old tricks to apply these techniques
False Shuffles And Cuts
A variety of ways to mix up a deck of cards, while accomplishing nothing.
Key And Locator Cards
Different approaches and applications for key cards and locator cards including the Quadruple Threat for the ultimate is casual control.
Use The Force
A variety of techniques to get the result you require, including a discussion of matching the method to the moment.
The Elmsley Count
An in-depth tutorial to get you doing a smooth count, plus two great tricks to put it into action.
Double Lifts
A fundamental move of card magic, which ought to look like nothing at all.
Palming Cards
Tackle your fear of this bold move with a pep talk, and a few great reasons to make it worth the trouble.
Top Change
This one is more about the misdirection than the move, and this lesson includes two routines to put it into context.
Card Folding
The Mercury Card Fold is responsible for many of the strongest, most impossible card act closer tricks.
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A perk for supporters to download and save all the lesson videos for offline viewing.