About This Site

The people and ideas behind Tips & Tricks for Magicians.

Who We Are

Ryan Pilling is the guy behind this project. Hello! I realized I love the process of creating a magic show just a little bit more than performing that magic show. So, this project allows me to focus on what I'm best at, and share the result with magicians around the world.

It is a one-man show for now, but we're looking forward to a time when other magical creators and teachers might join the team to offer more Tips & Tricks!

You can also connect with Tips & Tricks on Facebook.

What We Do

The objective of this site is to teach and share Tips & Tricks for Magicians. This is done in the format of an online tutorials, combining videos, text, and downloadable files. Some lessons are more practical, some are about big ideas. It allows me to dig deep into the topics, while allowing students to choose their own learning adventure.

Generally, my interest is less about the tricks themselves and more about how the tricks exist in the world. The creative process behind the trick, how it might grow and change, how it can be a part of a live magical performance, and how it can make an impact on your audience.

How We Do It

Policy for Respecting Creator's Rights answers the question; "When is it okay to teach and share the work of another magician?" This was important to me as so much of my creative pursuits are inspired by digging into magic history.

Content Accessibility lays out how this site hopes to make quality magic instruction available for all magicians, regardless of barriers they may face.

As with the tricks themselves, this site is always a work in progress.

Some of this content is "locked"

There are three levels of access to the content on this site:

Public content is freely available to guests to view without requiring any membership or login to the site.

Registered Members Only requires that you register a free account, and be logged in to that account, to view. This is mostly used to put up a small, but un-locked, gate to keep the secrets of magic away from the casual eyes of the general public. Registering an account is a small expression of interest in learning magic, similar to checking out a book from the public library.

Specific Group Membership is reserved for content which may require a purchase (such as the full tutorials on my original magic) or other qualifications. For example, my "Inside The Ring" videos are available to the general public, while the bonus teaching videos are limited to those who can prove they are a member of the International Brotherhood of Magicians.

Published: February 23, 2021

Access: Public

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