Support the Card Magic Course

Support the Card Magic Course

Ryan is creating a comprehensive course on sleight-of-hand card magic. It's driven by a few guiding principles;
  1. To encourage magicians to step out of the self-working bubble.
  2. To build skills with a basic toolkit of sleights and techniques.
  3. To apply those techniques in strong, entertaining tricks.
  4. To make the lessons accessible, without barriers to learning. (ie: free access)
It is planned to be an ongoing project, slowly growing over time.

If you have found value in these lessons, you are welcome to drop some cash in the hat. This directly supports the development of this course, as well as all the free content created at Tips & Tricks for Magicians.

Bonus: Once all the techniques have been covered the course will conclude with a few three-trick routines, combining classic magic effects with a flowing beginning, middle, and end. As a way to say 'thank you' for your support, there will be a special bonus routine available exclusively to patrons of the course.


Card Course Support - Ace Card Course Support - Ace

$20 USD

Card Course Support - Jack Card Course Support - Jack

$5 USD

Card Course Support - King Card Course Support - King

$10 USD

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