A Quick Chat with Giovanni

Giovanni shares his thoughts about "pack small, play big" and making an impact on your audience.

In 2005 I was the "station manager" of the Magic Broadcast, the online radio station for magicians broadcasting 24/7. We set up a booth at the IBM convention in Reno, Nevada and had the chance to interview many magicians that week. This chat I had with Giovanni is one of my favourites.

Giovanni Livera has been one of my favourite magicians to watch since that first experience in 2005. His engaging enthusiasm and flair for turning simple tricks into big dramatic moments has been an inspiration.

Learn His Magic

Read His Books

  • Amazing Cigar
  • Amazing Dad
  • Live A Thousand Years

They say "pack small, play big" ... I never put my own convenience over the impact upon the audience. God forbid it would take some effort on my part! Good entertainment is hard work.

Published: January 5, 2020

Channel: Blog

Access: Public


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