Bowl & Balls
A lesson on the Benson Bowl, which is a vehicle to learn, and perform effective sleight-of-hand magic.

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Table of Contents for
Bowl & Balls
Bowl & Balls
A lesson on the Benson Bowl, which is a vehicle to learn, and perform effective sleight-of-hand magic.
Chinese Chow
A Fred Kaps routine from the pages of The Art of Close-Up Magic vol 1
Benson Bag
Perform the Benson Bowl routine with nothing but a paper bag for a totally organic and impromptu routine.
Bowl & Balls
A lesson on the Benson Bowl, which is a vehicle to learn, and perform effective sleight-of-hand magic.
Chinese Chow
A Fred Kaps routine from the pages of The Art of Close-Up Magic vol 1
Benson Bag
Perform the Benson Bowl routine with nothing but a paper bag for a totally organic and impromptu routine.